
(12 months - 18 months) 

Our wobbler classroom is a fun transitioning classroom!  It is a room that helps our infants transition into toddlers.  We use creative curriculum with this age and complete observations as they grow and hit milestones.  We will also do parent/teacher conferences three times a year to be sure that parent and center goals are being completed.  Our wobblers are learning how to move around better, eat with utensils and play with their friends.  


(18 Months - 30 Months)

In our toddler classrooms children are encouraged to learn through play. Centers are set up throughout the rooms and children are encouraged to explore. We bring in new experiences monthly to keep the rooms exciting and fun to learn in. One of our goals at Children Are Special Early Learning Center is to get children socially and emotionally ready to start preschool & kindergarten. Learning literacy and mathematics is an added bonus. We use the Creative Curriculum for Preschool in our classrooms and work toward individual and classroom goals throughout the year. Parents will have Parent/Teacher conferences with the teachers to keep track of their children’s progress.